While many people may consider summer the best time to vacation due to their time off, the good weather, and the contagious 'soak up the sun' attitude going around, and many others may consider the cold winter months the best time to get away from it all and bury their worries in the sand somewhere, we think, no, scratch that, we know that fall is truly the best time to vacation overall!
While of course, the word 'fall' isn't always synonymous with 'vacation', fall is commonly associated with festivals and fun, which are two excellent reasons to travel! Here are our other top reasons why fall vacations are the best vacations!
- Okay, don't get us wrong, we love working with student groups and families traveling with kids. However, we also love the fact that most kids are in school during the fall, so your most popular attractions will be considerably less busy and hectic during your visit.
- There is a HUGE difference between Miami Beach in the summer and Miami Beach in the fall, and if you want to pay considerably less for your beachside resort then fall is the time for you! Not to mention all that extra room on the beach to explore and have your seaside fun!
- Most major cities and almost all small-town communities participate in some sort of fall festival, from the National Apple Harvest Festival in Arendtsville Pennsylvania to the German Oktoberfest in Columbus Ohio. We guarantee you can find a seriously fun and cultural fall festival while on vacation this season!
- Every city boasts a favorite fall food, and when you vacation during the fall season you get to try out your host cities most popular home style autumn treats! Cornbread, beignets, pecan pie, pickles, cranberries, chokecherries...the U.S is chock full of interesting local fall delicacies you really need to try!
- When you travel during the fall months you get the added benefit of being able to attend local, college, and NFL football games in the cities you are visiting, adding another fun recreational and culturally rich travel opportunity to your vacation.
- Fall foliage is truly unbeatable, and for many people vacationing during this time allows them to see color changes they may not have in their hometowns. Trips to the Adirondacks in New York or the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee are excellent ideas for those seeking some seriously gorgeous fall scenery.
- Aside from the aforementioned cheaper beach destination rates, rates, in general, are typically cheaper for transportation and hotels, UNLESS you are traveling during a holiday week (Thanksgiving, Christmas).
- This is a major plus for many people; the weather is super comfortable during the fall! Unless you are heading to a mountain/ski location, you will typically find temperatures between 50-75 degrees across the continental United States, perfect traveling weather!
- This is a major plus for many people; the weather is super comfortable during the fall! Unless you are heading to a mountain/ski location, you will typically find temperatures between 50-75 degrees across the continental United States, perfect traveling weather!